✔️ شحن معتمد من Qi2: استمتع براحة بنك الطاقة اللاسلكي بقوة 15 وات الذي يأتي مع ضمان شهادة Qi2 لتعزيز الطاقة بسرعة وأمان وكفاءة.
✔️ مضاعفة السرعة: استمتع بشحن لاسلكي فائق السرعة بقوة 15 وات وقم بتشغيل أجهزتك أسرع مرتين*. احصل على جهاز iPhone 15 Pro الخاص بك من 0 إلى 50% في 45 دقيقة فقط.
✔️ زاوية مثالية لك في كل مرة: اضبط الزاوية في أي مكان من 30 درجة إلى 65 درجة للعثور على وضع المشاهدة الأمثل لك، مما يجعل مكالمات الفيديو وبث المحتوى أكثر راحة ومتعة.
✔️ طاقة سلسة طوال اليوم: تضمن سعة 6600 مللي أمبير الضخمة التركيز على اللحظة وليس نسبة البطارية.
✔️ ما تحصل عليه: بنك الطاقة Anker MagGo (6.6 كيلو وات)، كابل USB-C إلى USB-C بطول 2 قدم (0.6 متر)، دليل ترحيبي.
عندما يتجاوز بنك الطاقة Anker MagGo (6.6K، 15W) حد درجة الحرارة، سينطفئ مؤشر مستوى البطارية. اتركه ليبرد قبل استخدامه مرة أخرى.
لا يتوافق هذا الشاحن اللاسلكي مع حافظات الهاتف غير المزودة بتقنية Magsafe، مثل حافظات Otterbox Defender.
لا تستخدم محولًا بقوة خرج 5 فولت/1 أمبير (5 واط) أو أقل.
تجعل الشواحن اللاسلكية عملية الشحن أكثر ملاءمة من الشواحن السلكية ولكنها مقيدة بتقنية لاسلكية حالية. وبالتالي، تكون سرعة الشحن أبطأ من سرعة الشواحن السلكية.
ستعمل درجات الحرارة المرتفعة على تقليل سرعة الشحن وتقييد الطاقة، وهو ما يحدث لجميع الشواحن اللاسلكية. يوصى بشحن جهازك في بيئات ذات درجات حرارة أقل من 77 درجة فهرنهايت/25 درجة مئوية.
ستؤثر حافظة الهاتف الواقية وموضع جهازك على الشاحن اللاسلكي على سرعة الشحن. فكلما كانت أبعد عن مركز الشاحن اللاسلكي، كلما كانت سرعة الشحن أبطأ.
It is our intention to ensure our customers are satisfied with their purchases from us.
We fully understand that sometimes you might change your mind regarding your purchase. If you change your mind before receiving your order, just call or WhatsApp our Customer Service Team at 07729090009 to cancel your order and we will use all reasonable endeavors to cancel it providing your order has not yet been processed. If your order has already been processed, such cancellation will be treated as a return. Please refer to our Return section below for further information. In all circumstances, you can always contact our Customer Service who will be happy to assist you.
To request a return just call or WhatsApp our Customer Service Team at 07729090009 and our Customer Service will arrange it for you.
All products must be returned to us unused and with all accessories and tags, if any, still attached and in the same condition as received, in their original box and packaging, along with the original invoice within 72 Hours / 3 days of receipt by you.
Once we have received and inspected the returned product(s) and approved the return by email to you, we will refund the price paid by you for the product(s) (with the exception of applicable taxes or import duties and delivery and return charges).
Returns that are damaged or soiled may not be accepted and may be returned back to you.
We do not offer Freight To Collect (FTC) service for the packages returned to us. The returns will be made at your own cost.
If you receive a wrong product or the product you receive is damaged or defective, or if you simply wish to return your product for any reason, please call our Customer Service Team at 07729090009.
Please send all items you wish to return from an order in the same shipment to ensure your return is processed as quickly as possible.
If you paid:
• by credit/debit card, we will process the refund by crediting the same credit/debit card used when the order was placed. Please note that refunds can take up to ten (15) business days to show on your account due to varying processing times between payment providers;
We offer a flexible return policy to make your online shopping experience as easy and convenient as possible. However, we monitor the number of returns made by customers and may refuse to accept orders at our discretion if products are returned repeatedly.
If you received an item as a gift and wish to return it, please contact our Customer Service who will be happy to assist you in your request. All products must be unused and with all accessories and designer tags still attached and in the same condition as received, in their original box and packaging, with the original invoice within 4 days of receiving your order.
Please note that we do not offer any exchanges. You are invited to return your product and then place a new order for the product you wish to purchase, subject to stock availability.
The warranty that we are providing is based on the manufacturer / distributor warranty and based on their terms and conditions, warranty period shall be stated on the product page.
In case the product doesn’t have any warranty then shall be stated on the product page.